The Benefits of Video Marketing for Products

Ben McElroyBlog

McElroy Films has produced many video marketing for Kaz USA Inc. Some of these videos are 360 tours of products that explain in depth the features and functionality of Kaz products, including the popular PUR faucet-mounted water filters. Our other videos feature various Honeywell products and explain the their extensive benefits.
PUR How to 002
Video is the consumption medium of choice for customers and offers a clear way for viewers to understand the benefits of the products and makes the customer more likely to try the product out. Visual demonstrations are the next best thing compare to selling the product in person. It encourages credibility in your product and your company

There is a huge audience right now eager to watch what you are selling rather than read about it in an article. It’s all about visualization.  Online shoppers are more likely to purchase your product after watching videos. According to Kiss Metrics, viewers are anywhere from 64-85% more likely to buy a product after watching a marketing video.

It’s important to understand who your target demographic is so that you can market to them. You should think about what their lifestyle is like and how your product can be incorporated. You want to make entertaining content that is directly marketed at these viewers. For example, when marketing the Honeywell products we took in consideration that would be interested in these products.  Families and businesses are the major target audience for these products. So the videos are designed with both in mind.  Each are designed to create a specific look and feel for the product. Check one of them out below:

Within these videos it is crucial to relay why the product is valuable for your audience. Ask yourself if there is competition for your product? If so, how are you going to be different and market in a unique way?  And most importantly, tell a cohesive and entertaining story!