With Social Media and Technology booming over the last couple years, Marketing has been taken to a whole new level. In the past, Marketing was mostly known through newspaper ads, magazine ads, flyers, etc. Now, who needs that when we have the internet! Marketing has become easier in the sense that if you want to promote your business, all you have to do is create interesting content for your Website, Instagram, Facebook, and now the ever-so-popular Smart Phone Apps!
Many businesses are investing in creating apps, that either help push their latest content out there, or allows customers to access information quickly and efficiently. For example, many banks allow you to view your bank statements on your phone! All you have to do is download the app, many even allow you to transfer money from one account to another, and even deposit a check (with just a quick picture). There are many options in creating an app for your company that will be visually appealing and stimulating for your client and if it’s easy to use, even better!
Another aspect of Marketing through apps is that you are able to use pictures and videos. According to HubSpot’s 37 Visual Content Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2016 adding visual content can increase views by 80% and the percentage of internet traffic for 2017 is now at 71%. That’s right people, video goes a long way. What is a better way to market your business then by not only creating an app, but using video to promote different aspects of your business on the app!
So basically, what it comes down to is fewer words and more visuals. According to Forbes: Why Infographics Rule, 65% of our population are visual learners! That is over 50% of our population. Sorry for giving you so many statistics, but we just can’t help but to be fascinated by these increasing numbers! According to the Content Marketing Institute “the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text.”
Whether you plan on creating an app for your business or get more involved in social media, do your research. Thanks to the internet, people are able to write blogs on their marketing experiences of even statistics that may help bring traffic to your business and any other platforms you use to promote it. Also, there are many businesses that can help you create your app and video content! It is best to seek professional help for this, people who work in the technical field can give great advice on Marketing your company through the internet or via Smart Phones.